Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Calibre for Authors

I’ll put it out there straight: Calibre is indispensable for indie authors. This software formats your eBooks into various formats. It’s easy to use, and the output is a quick, painless upload to your retailer. The software is free (though I suggest you float them some money if you use it often). What more can you ask for?

If you are delving into self-pub and don’t want to format in Word or pay for Vellum, Calibre is the best choice. You can get formatting completed with one click. Sometimes, you may have to tweak the file to get it perfect. But honestly, it’s so much faster than using Word. You can change up your format to docx, TXT, ePub, PDF, and more.

So, Ginny, what do I use all these formatted docs for? I’m glad you asked.

You can use the docx, PDF, and ePub (and a few others) to upload your book to Amazon. I have not used other book retailers, but I’m guessing one format from Calibre (probably ePub) will upload easily and be book-ready for selling. You’ve worked hard to write your book, edit it, and make it perfect. Formatting should not stop you from publishing. Calibre can make this daunting process seamless.

Also, you can use Calibre to format your books for other spots. EPubs are a fantastic way to share your books with beta readers and ARC groups. The format protects you from having anyone edit them on you. EPubs are easily shared. Be sure you are giving your books to a reliable source.

You can distribute ePubs through other book-sharing sites as well. Book Funnel and similar software (StoryOrigin, Book Sprout, etc.) are great places to share your work. But you want to protect yourself. Using Calibre to format the books before you put them on one of these sites for ARC readers, giveaways, promos, reader magnets, and beta readers. Not only does Calibre format the file, but it makes the out product an actual book. In that way, the materials you are sharing for marketing look professional and clean.

Calibre will also manage your ebook library. Authors receive tons of beta-reads, ARC books, and review copies. Calibre can organize these titles into categories. Also, you can format the files into an ePub (or your fav format) to upload to a reader. Sometimes, your crit partner only wants a quick read-over to find plot holes or the likability of a character. Calibre can turn their text file into a book. Then you can’t edit as you read!

Calibre may not be the Cadillac of writer software, but it’s reliable, easy to use, and updated frequently.

And oh, yeah, it’s free.



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