Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Campfire for Authors


What can I say about this great app? There are tons of uses for authors. Let’s dive into some big ones.

Character development. Because the app is designed (kinda) for gaming, character development is a key feature. Under the character tab, you can enter info about physical attributes, character traits, and personality traits (not to mention throwing in an image). But you can add more boxes with anything else you want—lists, text boxes, external links, stats, tables. Authors can put in all the minutia we know about our characters and have it ready for reference instantly. With the mobile app, you can edit on the go. Realize your female lead is tending toward no-binary? Make a note on her character page! Find a snap of a super skinny actor and need his image for your hero? Add the link to his character page. It’s easy and convenient to have all this one spot.

So, yes, basically a story bible, but wait, there’s more.

You can do the same thing with the setting. Insert links, an overview, images, and more. Again, you can add any other lists, data, tables, stats, or attributes needed for all setting locations. I had two chief places in my last book, and I tried to keep them different. Stats on each one with images to remind me were so helpful!

Did I mention the map module? If you are writing high fantasy or an adventure, why not create a map through this mod and follow your characters over every hill and dale? Plus, if the map is awesome, you can insert it into the finished product. Everyone loves a map in a book.

I haven’t played with the timeline feature much yet, but, man, it looks much easier than Aeon Timeline. Here’s a spot to ensure you’ve lined up your book events and kept everything smooth. You can even break down the timeline into the main plot and subplots.

For a series, there is a great feature called Relationships. Here you can highlight the connections between characters as the series goes on. Perhaps you want to redeem that villain from Book One. You can follow the flow of your characters and how they interact through this feature.

Now I know all you pantsers out there are calling me out. Yes, this is an app for planners. But is it really? Add the information before you write or after to keep track of the details. You don’t have to plan the whole thing ahead of time. Sum up after. That way, writing Book Two isn’t spent going back over Book One to find the tavern’s name or a side character’s hairstyle. You can put it all in here and keep track.

Last, you can write your book, campaign, article, short story right here in Campfire. You have everything you need all in one place until you are ready to pub/submit/post.

Campfire has something for every writer, well, fiction writer.

Go, enjoy!

Thanks again to Tib Roe for their great How-To post!


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